Workshops – BE GOOD
A special day for special teams.
Manifold studies show that in addition to well-founded expertise, other skills are relevant for success: the drive to solve tasks, the scope for creativity, the problem-free assumption of personal responsibility, and an eye for opportunities.
The BE GOOD workshops are OUT OF THE BOX and customized for your team.
You want to inspire and motivate your team?
You want to solve conflicts and problems? You would like to design your processes efficiently together? You want to become even better together with your team?
Our WORKSHOP BE GOOD is the right solution for you.

Special Workshops for special companies.
We guide you in the following topics: Leadership development, team development, organizational development. As well as shaping decision-making processes in teams, supporting idea finding or conflict management in teams, change management and transformation processes.
Format: Live or online
Duration: 1-3 days
Number of participants: up to 15 people
Would you like to work through complex problems and new approaches to solutions with your team in a playful way? Benefit from our LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.
INSPIRATION DAY is designed for groups of 20 to 100 people to create synergies and team spirit within a department and within
different areas. On this day, you will experience how you can achieve top
achieve top performance.
Together in the team you will experience and learn the SCRUM and SWARM method. You are immediately ready to start with your team and can apply and try out the new methods.

Our tools inspire!

Tools that support appreciative communication
- Worldcafé
- Open Space
- Theme-oriented improvisation
- WALT DISNEY method
- Graphic Recording
- Six Thinking Hats
- “Speeddating”

Tools that can be used to deal with conflicts in teams
- Theme oriented improvisation
- Fish Bowl
- Themed Improvisation
- Round Table
- Collegial case consultation
- „Speeddating”
- 5 Whys – Problem Solving

Tools that help to shape decision-making processes in teams
- Lean Coffee
- Graphic Recording
- Definition of Done
- Persona – Avatar
- Transactional analysis
- Process-Cinema

Tools that create transparency in teams and enable collaborative learning
- Lego Serious Play®
- Design Thinking
- Fish Bowl
- Persona
- Silent mail
- Hero’s Journey

Tools that generate ideas and innovations
- Future Factory
- Open Space
- Lego Serious Play®
- Persona
- Walt Disney

Tools to help with strategy development and implementation
- Worldcafé
- Barcamp
- Open Space
- Lean Coffee
- Fish Bowl
- Town Hall Talk

Customer testimonials to our workshops

Get in touch with us!
PHONE +49(0)711 121 572 46 | EMAIL info@meduri-spanu.com
PHONE +49(0)711 121 572 46